The other day, I got a message through Facebook, it was from Williams Bright asking if I was in need of a comic book artist. Now being that I fancy myself something of an artist myself I could have been very competitive and told them to kick rocks, but this actually gave me an excuse to do something I tried years ago when I tried self publishing comics (in the 90's) which was to give a platform to others. So please enjoy Williams's artwork and check out their Facebook at
My opinion is I like that Williams has the ability to do it all, line art and colors. I think his B&W work particularly in the scene where the girl has guns drawn on her is very good. Not all of it is in a style of my personal preference (I'm not a manga guy really), but I think Williams has big upside if you are looking for someone for one of your projects.
Don't forget, the bottom of this page has a comments section, please drop in and let Williams know what you think of his work.